Jul 25, 2023
Cold Calling Part Deux #487
Today Pat's taking a mulligan. After listening to last week's episode I believe I missed the mark. In many regards, cold calling looks like a pushy activity and as such seems unTaoist, if that's a word. How can that be? Last week I didn't do a good enough job explaining. In this episode,...
Jul 18, 2023
How To Dispel The Fear of Cold Calling #486
Life is filled with hard things to overcome. Like for me it's pizza, has there ever been a more perfect food invented? Yet to stay fit and trim as best as a portly old man can do, there are limits to how much pizza I should consume. What's another hard thing in life? Cold....
Jul 11, 2023
To Know a Lead is to Find a Lead #485
Have you ever noticed how you keep dialing those same leads, over and over again, but it's like talking to a brick wall? It's like you're living in 'Lead Groundhog Day.' Well, my friends, that's what I call being 'lead poor.' But fear not! It's time to rev up your prospecting game...
Jul 4, 2023
What is the Science of Scaling Podcast with Mark Roberge #484
In today's episode, we’re doing something a bit different and featuring an episode from another podcast. It’s called The Science of Scaling, hosted by Mark Roberge. He’s the bestselling author of The Sales Acceleration Formula. He’s also a Senior...